Current COVID Safety Plan
You will find a copy of the COVID safety plan posed beside either of the front doors. For your convenience, here is an online version:
Business name: Markham Trophy Inc.
Date completed: December 18, 2020
Revision date: February 22, 2021
Measures we’re taking
How we’re ensuring workers know how to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19
Ensure our procedures are up to date by a daily review of Ministry of Health guidance.
How we’re screening for COVID-19
Self screening - If an employee is feeling unwell is thinks they might have one of the symptoms of COVID-19, call Don before coming to work to discuss any symptoms.
To find out if workers are well when they come to work, we will ask each worker basic questions about their physical health and symptoms using the provincial list of COVID-19 symptoms. (Dan to check as he is the 1st one in daily)
How we’re controlling the risk of transmission in our workplace
Physical distancing and separation
The showroom and entrance from that door is closed to visitors.
We have a special side door setup with just enough room for 1-2 people to stand inside the door to limit exposure from non-employees.
Service door service is available by appointment.
Only 1 person/family bubble at a time at the service door
For pickups and drop offs call 905-477-1302 when you arrive so we can come out to you.
Remote payment can be made over the phone with a credit card or via e-transfer. If paying on pick up here you can use Interac debit, credit card or Apple Pay outside the left side door.
Masks to be worn at all times within the building unless eating or drinking at your desk.
We have a table at that side door that an acrylic barrier setup on a table there. As with anywhere else in the business, masks are required for anyone entering, even if it's just to stand behind the barrier.
Since we have very few employees, each has their own desk. Phones at those desks are only to be used by their respective owners. This is the only place they can temporarily remove their mask for eating/drinking.
Physical distancing of 2m required in all locations inside the premises. If there is a need to review something on a screen, keep shortened distance to 10 seconds or less.
All calls are forwarded to Don's Cell to reduce the chances of cross contaminating phones.
In the spring/summer/fall when the weather is nice we can open the doors for ventilation .
Leave all doors other than the main doors open at all times to reduce possible cross contamination. The only exception is the washrooms when they are in use.
Paper towel is supplied in the washrooms rather than towels to reduce cross contamination.
Washrooms are for employees only
There is always hand sanitizer at the side desk and regular main desk.
If anyone needs to use someone else's computer they should wash their hands or sanitize before and after using. This includes the invoicing and sublimation computers which would be considered communal.
If communal phones are used, clean/disinfect for the next person.
Encourage clients to use TAP for payments. If they have to insert thier card, point out the sanitizer and sanitize the unit when they are done.
If you have access to the “COVID Alert” app, please install and keep active.
If you are given the opportunity to get a vaccination, we would encourage you to take it.
What we will do if there is a potential case, or suspected exposure to, COVID-19 at our workplace
If someone gets sick while at work, they should go home. Don can let the appropriate people outside work know to pick them up if they are unable to drive. To get a hold of Don, you can call the main line at 905-477-1302.
If suspected COVID exposure, get tested at a local clinic or hospital ASAP and follow their recommendation for self isolation.
If they need a place to temporarily isolate at work, use the back workroom as it's usually not in use, quiet and away from others.
If the sickness is more serious and could be life threatening, call 911.
How we’re managing any new risks caused by the changes made to the way we operate our business
When we decide it's safe enough to let people in the main door, we will need to make the following adjustments:
We will draw attention to the sanitizer on the main desk as a client comes through the door, ensuring compliance with wearing a mask.
We will need to ensure physical distancing in the showroom.
Clients are not to use the washrooms unless the situation deems it a necessity. If a non employees has to use the washroom, sanitize the tap and toilet.
The acrylic barrier will need to be moved to the front desk.
How we’re making sure our plan is working
We will review anytime we have new information or if situations change.
As we are a very small company, if the plan changes we will inform all employees of the changes right away and post the update by the showroom door to the halls and online.